Congratulations to all bakers in the 19th annual cookie contest
All 15 bakers will be able to pick up a participant prize at Bellarmine in mid-January. The staff had a spirited debate about what constitutes a cookie, so the official winners will be announced at a later date.
Shout-out to seniors Henry Stelle, Amelie Steinbacher, and Dash Waiss.
Sophomore Ruby Serra found her will and a way to submit her cookies.
The fresh and first year students contributed the most:
Amaris Alstead
Julia Cholerton
Clarise Fowlkes
Easton Glasman
Isabelle Heinrich
Bea Hunt
Sophia Irigoyen
Jonah O’Callahan
Savanah Roscoe
Mason Tull
And, although the junior class did not compete, the queen did.
Alumna and reigning champ Claire Schomogyi B’20 submitted an entry for old time’s sake.

Kelli Allen is currently a senior and is thrilled to be a part of The Lion. Her favorite activities include Bellarmine theater, cheerleading and being...