As many already know, the musical “Mamma Mia” came to Bellarmine this spring. There is great significance in the songs being sung and the characters being played, but the true significance of this amazing show is the hard work being put into it.
When projecting the success and potential of a show, the decision of what the show will be is made in June or July by both the Show Director and the Vice Principal of Athletics and Student Life, Kevin Meines.
“I’m there to guide and make sure budgets are put in place,” states Meines. With the early decision made by Meines and show director David Lipe, the sudden farewell to Lipe was a setback to the Bellarmine Drama Department.
This setback extends far, not only to the cast, but to the many departments involved in the play, including lights.
Lights Leader, Jackson Swanes, although facing the obstacle of an unpredicted leadership change, saw the choice of “Mamma Mia” as a great opportunity for the lights crew.
“Change the lights, change the impact,” Swanes stated in response to his favorite part of being involved with this spring musical.
There is truly significance in the lighting displayed during certain moments of the performance, and “Mamma Mia” was a great decision to highlight the talent of the lights crew. But it was not only the lights crew that shone through this choice, but those involved in the set design as well.
“That was really beautiful,” Ella Jackson, a Bellarmine student who went to see the musical mentioned, when thinking about the set and backdrop created for this spring piece.
Along with students at Bellarmine, actors acknowledge the hard work put in behind the scenes.
“The crew made the experience so much more organized and put-together… “Mamma Mia” would not have been possible without the crew.” Jack McCoy aka “Eddie” stated.
Science teacher Martha Parent, the advisor for the props crew, believes not only McCoy but the entire cast accurately acknowledges the work being done by the behind the scenes crew. Nevertheless, Parent also saw the challenge of the choice of “Mamma Mia”.
“Because people came in with some expectations, it was a little challenging,” Ms. Parent acknowledged. Overall, many aspects of “Mamma Mia” presented fun for the students in multiple ways.
“Retrospective look back at the 70s was really fun,” Ms. Parent mentioned in her interview.
The choice of “Mamma Mia” for the Spring 2024 musical was a bold one, but the right one. The crew involved worked tirelessly to support the cast and Bellarmine is proud of the work put in by all of those involved, who brought this amazing show to the BPS community.