I have scoured Spotify’s endless created playlists, from Broski Nation Anthems to “what I think each little woman’s character would listen to” and I can say that finding new music can be a difficult ordeal. These next 4 songs will be ones that I have found for anyone who likes really cool music.
Song #1: A Big Brown Dog Named Bagel by Nep
This song feels the most playful of the bunch. The breathy vocals mixed with the lively drums gives it this playful mood. This song goes through a multitude of different story lines, while continuing to keep the upbeat mood. This song I could see popping up in someone’s liked songs and them getting a good giggle out of it.
Song #2: He Loves Me Yeah! By Faye Webster
This song on a first listen feels very relaxing, upbeat, and an overall unserious, silly mood. The mix of the upbeat piano with the simple electric guitar in the back during the chorus also adds to the simplicity and unserious mood of this song. I would say this song belongs on a summer playlist accompanied by a ton more Faye Webster.
Song #3: Saccharine by Attaboys
This song, while not as upbeat as “He Loves Me Yeah!”, still has very powerful vocals that add to the power of this song. Personally, I could imagine myself listening to this song while driving to Seattle to visit a nice flea market in Ballard. The song, while filled with a lot of motion which can be heard in the escalating piano riffs, still maintains a calm mood.
Song #4: Jo by Haley Hendrix
This song is completely different from any of the others on this list. The mood is very somber and emotional. The spent and sad vocals for this song, with the occasional wail, makes it feel like you are reading a page of their diary. The acoustic guitar in the background makes it feel homey and personal. This song would definitely belong on a winter playlist for playing while doing homework in your dimly lit bedroom.