Have yourself a COVID kind of Christmas!
COVID has brought many changes throughout 2020. After having lived with this virus for almost a year now it feels like we have been through it all and know how to handle any problems the virus brings our way; However, there is one major time of year that we have not yet faced the pandemic with: Christmas.
Almost everybody loves the holidays. It is a time of joy, warmth, and the feeling of being together. The third aspect is one that we have lost a significant amount of due to COVID. Without lockdowns and other restrictions halting our travels and movement, it is often difficult to be with other people during these times. Christmas parties and gatherings will not be nearly as big or prominent, but there are still ways to have a phenomenal holiday.
You could have a Zoom/FaceTime Christmas. This could be with family and/or friends, and you could all open presents from each other while talking so as to see people’s reactions. Although it will not feel the same, this is still a way to feel each other’s presence. If you are bold enough, you could have Christmas outside in a socially distant fashion! Take on the cold in a small gathering of close ones outside to be able to hold an in-person conversation. It is not anywhere near ideal, but ideal is not what 2020 is.
Senior Ayden Beatty said, “We will be calling family members Christmas morning as well as throughout the day in order to stay safe but spend the day together anyway we can.”
Another Bellarmine parent said they are holding a “Zoomas” where everyone in the family zooms on Christmas to spend time together. It looks like many families are keeping each other safe by holding an online Christmas, an idea that probably never crossed their minds before.
This year has made everyone change the way they live. Restaurants closed down and are now open only for takeout. Many stores can only allow a certain number of people. Masks have become so common that once we are allowed to go in public without them it will almost feel wrong. This has been a time to go with the flow of things, and this is what we will have to do with Christmas: find a way to celebrate that suits your family and go for it!

Jacob Neeb is a senior who is ready to enjoy his time on the journalism staff. Jacob participates in track and field as well as being a co-captain for...