2020 Concert Reviews
As we take a look back on a big year in history, we forgot to notice the concerts that have occurred. There were some great concerts in the first three months of the year, but it went downhill in March. Some artists such as Harry Styles, Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, and many music festivals such as Coachella, Stagecoach and Watershed, left millions of music listeners saddened over their live music cancellations.
Senior Maya Hoiden said “Covid took away one of my most favorite things to do over the weekend— going to concerts and seeing all of my favorite artists live, creating new memories. This year, 2021, I was supposed to go see the The Weeknd. I was sad to hear that it got postponed to May 2022, but I am still thankful that it is still happening, and still very excited to attend the concert no matter how far out it may be.”
Concerts are such big parts of people’s lives. Whether it is meeting new people, exploring new music, or just there for a good time, it has been painful that concerts have been shut down for so long. Empty venues across the country, and thousands of millions of dollars down the drain. One of the biggest music festivals of the year, Coachella, was shut down in the middle of March 2020. Announced in a Twitter announcement, the annual festival would be canceled and rescheduled for October 2020. Music lovers around the country were saddened due to the festival being cancelled for the rescheduled event, but also for this upcoming year as it was cancelled again.
It was recently announced that Coachella will start up again in April 2022. Not only music fans were disappointed, Broadway was shut down as well. Broadway may have been shut down, but many went forth in action to create new musicals for TikTok. There may have been many new approaches made during quarantine this year, but live music will still be missed.

Kelli Allen is currently a senior and is thrilled to be a part of The Lion. Her favorite activities include Bellarmine theater, cheerleading and being...