What is your New Year’s resolution?
With the start of 2022, many have created New Year’s resolutions in hope of reaching new goals and lifestyles. Four weeks into the New Year, the Bellarmine community has many resolutions to keep up with. Seniors to freshmen all have athletic, social and academic goals but statistics show that many drop their goals 1 week into the new year. In hope of reaching their goals the question asked is, How is Bellarmine keeping up with their resolutions?
When asked what kinds of goals the student body have set for themselves, junior Gabi Miller said, “My New Year’s resolution is to save enough money for my France trip so that I can enjoy my time as well as having cash so I can buy things.”
Others have more mental goals like freshmen Amelia Hogoboom who said her goal is “to stay single as a freshman and not waste my time or energy on stupid little things. Care for myself more, mental and physically.”
Similarly, Freshman Alice Malebranche said, “To be more-time oriented and go to the gym more.”
Each student had many different goals but when asked about their strategies to keep up with their resolution, senior Marshall Hainer said, “Go to sleep with a positive mindset, or a happy thought. Whenever I wake up I do something I like to do or think about something I want to accomplish that day.”
Mental goals were a big part of many students’ resolutions and many use positive mindset oriented strategies including sophomore Ramoncito Barro who said, “I change my attitude towards all and am trying to have a better lifestyle”.
Many students also had school oriented goals like Junior Clare Wiegman. She said, “To stop joining activities because they will look good on a college app. I have joined way too many clubs that I get no enjoyment out of, but I tell myself to stick it out for the college app. My other resolution is to get work done on time.”
Similarly Junior Roma Sharkey said “My resolution was to be more diligent with my schoolwork and set aside more time for self care.”
Nationwide a majority of people who set resolutions drop one month into their goal. If you maintain your goal for 6 months many keep their resolution until the end of the year. Altogether four weeks into the New Year, the Bellarmine community is working diligently and hopefully to reach each goal they set for themselves.

Lilly Burgess is a senior and is thrilled to be an Executive Editor this year. At Bellarmine she is the softball captain along with being a part of service...