Summer plans, college aspirations and 2022 high school graduation

Photo illustration by Kelen Tamurian
Summer is around the corner, college is just up ahead, and graduation is even closer still. Seniors, make each event count.
For the class of 2022, graduation is right around the corner, our senior year summer is imminent, and college aspirations are soaring high. I, for one, cannot believe we are finally here. The Covid-19 pandemic threw a wrench in our programmed high school trajectory, our sophomore and junior years were stunted, and for the most part completed on our iPads at home. But, that is a narrative we have heard time and time again, so I won’t bore you any further with it. Though, I will say that it doesn’t seem real that we are at the end of our senior year and about to graduate, sometimes I still feel like a sophomore walking around campus.
Nonetheless, graduation is an exciting time and the senior class at large is feeling a myriad of emotions about their high school career coming to an end and a summer with no summer homework or assigned reading about to begin. I asked members of the senior class how they are feeling about graduation, their prospective summer plans, and their excitement about attending college in the fall, and wow, did they have a lot to say.
Maggie Gormley’s summer plans sound both relaxing and exciting. Gormley said, “[this summer] I am excited to hang out with friends, go to the beach, and just relax after a long year.” Gormley plans to start her college career at the University of Washington this fall, and she said, “I am so excited to go to [the University of Washington] and hopefully join a sorority. I am really looking forward to studying things I am passionate about and hopefully majoring in psychology.” Gormley said she is “definitely ready to graduate, but I am also sad to leave my friends and it’s definitely weird that I won’t be coming back to Bellarmine as a student ever again.”
Abby Bunn is very excited for the summer, she plans to “go camping with friends and spend time on the water. I am also really looking forward to going hiking.” Bunn’s college plans are set in stone, as she plans to go to Westmont College in the fall and she is very excited. She said, “I am most excited to start my life in a new city and meet new people. I also am looking forward to studying business, economics, and political science.” In terms of her feelings about graduating, Bunn said, “You know, I was really excited to graduate for a while, I felt like I was just ready to leave, but now I am actually feeling kind of sad about leaving Bellarmine and all of my friends.”
Charlie Jones’s summer sounds fun; he is, “excited to spend time with friends and continue the rowing season.” College, overall, is an exciting time and Jones said, “I am looking forward to going to Colgate in the fall and moving to a new state. I also am excited to study the things that I am passionate about.” Jones feels ready for graduation, as he said, “I am looking forward to graduating but I am also sad about leaving Bellarmine and leaving my friends, but I know that I will be back eventually to visit and I will make time to see my friends.”
The class of 2022 has made a momentous impact on the Bellarmine community and I know the Bellarmine community will be sad to see them go, however, I also know for a fact that their fellow students, teachers, faculty, and staff are so excited to see where this next chapter of the seniors’ lives takes them. Have fun on your trips to Europe this summer, your excursions to the beach, enjoy your time in college, and keep your spirits high Lions.

(Photo illustration by Kelen Tamurian )

Kelen Tamurian is a senior this year and is excited to be on the Journalism staff. Kelen is passionate about writing and has published a book called “Simply...