Staff Spotlight: Jessica Achziger and Melinda Michaelson attend professional development in Colorado
Schools cannot function without their invaluable staff. Two stellar standout employees are Executive Assistant to the Principal Jessica Achziger and Registrar Melinda Michaelson who both participated recently in professional development in Colorado.
According to both Achziger and Michaelson, “Bellarmine adopted the myBellarmine school information system in 2021-22. Since the system is still relatively new to Bellarmine, we wanted to learn from others how we could best utilize and implement such a complex system to support the needs of the school. We started talking to the staff at Regis Jesuit High School in Aurora, CO, who have been using this system for several years. In early November 2022, we traveled to Colorado to see first-hand the many ways they utilize the system. We met with members from different departments over a two-day period and came away with a lot of valuable information. Meeting with them prompted us to change the way we refer to our secure system. Previously, we called it by the company name, Blackbaud, but we recently made the shift to calling it myBellarmine so students, families, and Bellarmine employees know that myBellarmine is the place to go for information.”
Michaelson mentioned that the experience was fruitful. “Meeting with staff at Regis Jesuit was incredibly informative. The opportunity to collaborate with others from a Jesuit school was invaluable; we are so excited to explore this system in-depth and to implement some changes to help students and families.”

Achziger shared her connection with Regis. “As a former Regis Jesuit employee, it was great to be back on campus and connect with former colleagues. It was such a great opportunity to collaborate with others who share the same passion for Jesuit education. It was extremely helpful to learn more about how we can use our system to better serve our community.”

Jeanne (Dressel) Hanigan B'84 practices what she preaches or, in this case, what she teaches. An English literature, AP Composition and Journalism teacher...