Lion Journalism seniors: university & career plans

For seniors, second semester marks 7/8 of their high school career with only one semester left until graduation. Recently, I asked some of the seniors in Lion Journalism where they are thinking of attending college and in what subject they hope to major.
Tasha Karjala:
What do you hope to pursue as a major?
“Definitely political science or law and social justice. I am thinking political science as my major and law, social justice, and public policy as my minor. I am a real big social justice advocate and I want to take the pre-law track. I want to go to law school. This would provide me the best pathway of strengthening my community leadership skills and my knowledge in political science. I am looking forward to meeting new people, experiencing a new environment and a new place and a new setting.”
What do you hope to pursue as a career?
“I want to open my own law firm. I want to work for myself. I wanted to specialize in either civil or criminal law. I did a lot of research on types of law I could study and pursue. I get to help people and I get to defend people and I get to learn about myself in the process.”
In addition to seniors, I also asked Brynn Manke, a junior, for a junior perspective on university.
Brynn Manke: (junior perspective)
What do you hope to pursue as a major?
“I am probably going to double major in political science and astronautical engineering. My mom is a lawyer so I get to hear all about her work life. I have always been interested in law. Through MUN [Model UN] I have always grown to learn how much I love it. My brother is an astronautic engineer. I am just going to major in both of them and see where I go. I also really like programing, like computer programing. I just like astronautical engineering since I don’t know much about it. I want something new and something foreign. I also think it would be really cool to spend sometime in space.”
Mac Fortino:
What do you hope to pursue as a major?
“I am going to major in English. I just feel like I want to improve my communication skills. I want to get a degree that can be applicable to a lot of different jobs. Right now, I would plan on going to law school after [university]. There is this program at Notre Dame where there is a business program and a law program [joint masters program].”
What do you hope to pursue as a career?
“I want to start working for another law firm, at least initially — I am not sure which type of law — but I want to start my own law firm eventually.”
Drew Albaugh: Syracuse University
Why did you commit to Syracuse University? What do you hope to pursue at Syracuse?
“They have a really good broadcasting program. It is journalism and broadcasting. It is called the New House School. You get connections to ESPN and CNN and more. It is highly regarded as the best broadcast school in the country. I would major in communications with a sub-division in broadcasting. My other major is international relations. It is to be a diplomat. That is my second career option.”
“The guy that runs the Olympic is named Mike Tarico. He does the Olympics every year. He takes 10 Syracuse people to the Olympics [both summer and winter]. Syracuse has a major basketball and football team. They have state of the art facilities. When ESPN comes to town, they use the Syracuse facilities.”
What do you hope to pursue as a career?
“In an ideal world, I would hope to broadcast baseball. There is a color commentator and a play-by-play guy. The color commentator usually plays in that sport before hand. I would be the play-by-play guy. He kind of describes what is going on. Either over the radio or more in-depth and over the screen is more information-based. That would be what I would be doing.”
Levi Coovert:
What do you hope to pursue as a major?
“For each college that I applied to, I picked a different major depending on what they were good at. For Syracuse, I applied for the same broadcast program as Drew. For Bellemont, I applied for their music school. Music composition in general is what I want to pursue. At the University of Hawaii, I applied for marine biology. I don’t really have a number one [university], but [the University of] San Diego, I applied for there and it has a good communications program. It would come down to Belmont, Syracuse, and SD. I also applied to Gonzaga, since they have a really good teaching program.”
What do you hope to pursue as a career?
“My top choice for my career is to go into journalism. I would want to focus on sports. It is something I do really well. I really enjoy talking about sports. I would want to be a local sports broadcaster.”
Josie Jaback:
What do you hope to pursue as a major? A career path?
“I definitely want to major in biology. It is a broad science and I would be able to branch out into other careers, since I am not sure what I would want to do yet. I do want to go to USD or the University of Denver.”
Roma Sharkey:
What do you hope to pursue as a major? A career path?
“I put biology as a major. I would definitely want to minor in something like humanities. I want to go on a pre-med track. I am really interested in psychology and writing. I would like to learn more about it. I would also consider UW.”
Sophia McLain:
What do you hope to pursue as a major? A career path?
“I want to major in psychology. That would a good set up if I want to go into law school for graduate school. Most of the colleges that are in my top few are coming out in March. I think I would definitely need to work for someone else first, but maybe when I’m in my 40s, I would start my own law firm.”
Evidently, many people in Lion Journalism have some interesting plans for college and beyond.

Xavier Nazzal is a senior who serves as the Executive Online Editor for the Lion Journalism 2022 - 2023 school year. Among other things, Nazzal participates...