The Bellarmine Professional Development team would like to highlight faculty/staff and their achievements throughout the year. The challenge is – this group of professionals has been very busy. Here’s a brief recap. Please email Vice Principal Of Professional Development and Formation Jody DeGroot ([email protected]) if you or someone you know should be highlighted.
Josh Barnes, Mary Graves, and Tawanna Wilson attended the Jesuit West colloquium, Chain of Care, from March 15 to March 17.
Cari Harrison, Julie Hiles, Kevin Meines, and Kristine Zelazny attended the ICG Co-curricular from March 28 to March 31.
Sam Booth received PRIDE Funding.
Casey Whitson attended the Regional Bellevue NAFME (National Association for Music Education).
Andrew DEEM attended Moon and Field in April.
Allison Scanlin returned to and completed the Camino this summer.
Aires Patulot walked the Camino as well and attended the Ignatian leadership seminar.
Martha Parent attended an environmental program in July.
Brandy Lindstrom and Megan Matthew attended AVLI AI (Arrupe Virtual Learning Institute Artificial Intelligence) training in July.
Anita Emery and Melissa Minjares attended their respective AP Institutes in Seattle in July. Kathy Heiser also attended an AP Institute in Texas.
Jeanne Hanigan, Kathy Heiser, and Amy Savage attended AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) training in July.
Also in July, Heiser and Ginny White went to the American Association of Teachers of French in Quebec. White said, “It was absolutely wonderful.” She looks forward to sharing more about it in an upcoming news article.
Craig Coovert and Kelly Goodsell chaperoned and served in Panama at Courts for Kids in August.
Ken Brown now serves as an AP mentor for new AP Social Studies teachers.
Brown and Matt Ellis also took students to Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic this summer.