For centuries, numerous cultures have followed vegetarianism for religious reasons. The earliest records of vegetarianism are from ancient India, particularly Hindus and Jains. In the United States, vegetarianism emerged as a popular diet in the 1960s and early 1970s.
In today’s age, the average American diet consists of processed fats and sugars, high-cholesterol foods, and minimal fruits and vegetables. As a result, many people wonder if alternative diets, such as the vegetarian, vegan, and whole food plant-based (WFPB) diets can prompt longer life spans.
Woody Harrelson, “Hunger Games” star, has been vegan for over 30 years and believes that “becoming vegan was the biggest change I ever made in my life, and one of the greatest accomplishments as well.”
Benefits of going vegan include a lower risk of heart disease and cancer, improved digestive health, and positive environmental impact. According to research study in the United States, vegans have a 15% lower risk of dying prematurely. To many, veganism entails more than just cutting out animal products.
Bellarmine parent and long time vegan Dennis Joyce agrees with this sentiment that “once you start prioritizing eating clean, you start to prioritize healthy habits.”
On the other hand, a vegan and vegetarian diet can pose potential challenges. Going plant-based may make it harder to fulfill certain nutrient requirements such as iron, calcium, vitamin B12, and protein. Not all restaurants are vegan and vegetarian-friendly and finding accommodations can sometimes be difficult.
Junior Kate Watcher says: “It’s kind of hard to find a place that has meat-free options.” She believes that upscale restaurants usually have some vegetarian options but fast food is more challenging.
Some people characterize vegans and vegetarians as “pretentious” or “extreme.” In the media especially, vegans have been described as overly preachy.
Junior Tristan O’Neal shares his perspective. “I think the vegetarian movement is a positive one that has been plagued by a few bad influences.”
In the United States, only about 6% or people follow a plant based diet, meaning that they are vegan or vegetarian. There are countless books, documentaries, and resources that take a closer look around this phenomenon. As more individuals embrace plant-based diets, the future of food looks increasingly green. The rise of veganism and vegetarianism is a dramatic indication of evolving socio-cultural norms, providing a glimpse into how people are going to think about food and its impact on the world.