While walking through the swamp and reminiscing on the life of Shrek, Pinocchio stumbled upon a peculiar bottle with the initials JCA. Upon further investigation Pinocchio discovered that the bottle had traces of poison. After turning the bottle into the local police, a cross reference with Shrek’s autopsy confirmed that this poison was indeed used to end Shrek’s life.
“I’m distraught about this,” said a shaken Pinocchio, whose nose was smaller than ever, “this killer must be stopped!”
Later in the day, local fairies discovered an out of place note right outside of the enchanted forest. The note, which had been crumpled up, read “TAC IGRTHS.” After further investigation, Detective Lion deduced that the letters in the note were scrambled words, and he needs your help to decode the meaning.
With a prom theme killer on the loose, Detective Lion has urged Bellarmine students to keep their eye out for any new clues or developments that can be used to help catch the killer!