New restrictions as COVID cases rise

Governor Jay Inslee made a statement on Nov. 15 regarding the increase of Coronavirus cases in Washington. New restrictions were made. Some of them are disappointing to the people but the feeling of urgency and necessity overrides that disappointment.
Senior Isabel Sparling was a little sad but said, “I understand why it’s necessary because Covid Cases are out of control right now.”
All grocery stores are limited to 25% occupancy. All indoor social gatherings are banned, with the exception being if someone quarantines 14 days beforehand. Restaurants are limited to outdoor seating only, this is not looking good as Tacoma enters its rainy season and outdoor temperatures are supposed to reach a low of 40 degrees in November
Governor Inslee did not make any changes to a return to school plan, so its effect on Bellarmine is not as drastic as the rest of the state.
Many see this new quarantine as a flashback to eight months ago. Only now people are, hopefully, more knowledgeable and will not hoard all of the toilet paper.
Diego Garcia, senior, maintained belief in our system, saying, “Let’s just hope something works at this point.”
Inslee made clear his belief that a vaccine is on the way, and that Washington just needs to hold off until then. For now, let’s hope he is right.

Liam is a senior. He enjoys hanging out with his friends. His hobbies include skim-boarding and playing Spike ball.