To snow or not to snow

Snowmageddon in February 2019. (Photo credit: Jodie Catlett Padilla)
According to Monday Jan. 25, 2021 is National Bubble Wrap Appreciation day. According to the iPhone weather app Monday January 25th 2021 is supposed to feature some snowfall in Tacoma Washington. One of these events turned out to be completely fictional; the other one is National Bubble Wrap Appreciation day.
Yes, this article is being written on Jan. 26, the day after Jan. 25 (a day where no snowfall was recorded).
All students seem to be reminiscent of the “snowmageddon” that happened just under two years ago. Some students were excited to be reminded of this event by snowfall this week. Senior Torie Smith said, ”While I don’t think there will be snow, I would enjoy some snow this year. Even if we’re doing distance learning. Snow days have always been my favorite.”
Senior Rebecca Chow said “I’m very, very excited.” Most of us shared Rebecca Chow’s excitement, but we were all let down. One side of me says we should set those memories of “snowmageddon” aside. Maybe they are just too high of a standard.
Another side of me tells me not to lose hope that snow will come.

Liam is a senior. He enjoys hanging out with his friends. His hobbies include skim-boarding and playing Spike ball.