Senioritis starter pack: what seniors need to survive second semester

As summer is approaching and the school year is coming to a close, Bellarmine seniors are barely holding on. Senioritis is spreading through the 12th grade class like the plague, but the essential items included in this article can help any senior get through the school year.
Red Bull: If your parents are anything like mine, they hate whenever I come home from work or school with an energy drink in hand. But, as much as they might hate this habit, it is one of the only things keeping me afloat. For students who are non-coffee drinkers, a Red Bull may be just the burst of energy you need. Though it is by no means a healthy beverage, I cannot think of anything better than a coconut Red Bull to get me through the day.
Netflix: As hard as I try to focus on my schoolwork, it is definitely a challenge to get it done without Netflix playing in the background. My attention span has slowly worsened as the school year has progressed, and having some noise to focus on while doing homework certainly makes it easier. On most days I play “New Girl” as I do my math worksheets, which keeps me from fully giving up on getting my work done. Netflix is also a great source of entertainment on the weekends, when a long break from a draining week is needed.
Sleep: Sleep is one thing most of us need a bit more of. During this final stretch of school, we are sacrificing precious hours in our beds to stay up studying for APs and finals, finishing essays, or lying awake contemplating where we will spend the next four years of our lives. At some point, we need a break. Even if it may seem like a waste of time, good sleep will help you tolerate the monotonous days until graduation. It is time to prioritize sleep, and spend time dreaming instead of stressing.
Friends/family: The senior class has a month left together. These next few weeks will consist of many ‘lasts’ with the people that have become like family over the past four years. With the end of an era, and the start of fresh beginnings, we should lean on each other, and spend the last joys of high school together. Maybe you started high school with the same friends you have now, or maybe things changed along the way, but, regardless, take advantage of being with your people for the time that remains. Spending time with friends eases the pressure of high school and will help anyone get through the week. The same applies to family. We are nearing the end of living at home year-round. It is the time to go out with your family, leave your room, and take advantage of not living in a dorm yet.
Music: Music—what has gotten most of us through the school year. It is the way we start off the day, as we make the drive to the hill. I think I speak for most when I say leaving your headphones at home is the instant mood ruiner. Like Netflix, music is the perfect way to accompany homework, without any visual distraction. It also never hurts to spend a weekend or two at a concert, forgetting about the rest of the world. Recently, artists such as Gracie Abrams and The Backseat Lovers have visited Seattle, surely performing to high school students in need of an escape.
Aquaphor: If there’s one thing that should be in any student’s backpack, it’s Aquaphor. Personally, I carry a tube of Aquaphor with me at all times. This magical product is like Vaseline 2.0. It is a lip balm, lotion, and face moisturizer all in one. Aquaphor is the perfect cure for almost any problem, and gets me through the day 99% of the time. If life gets you down, get some Aquaphor.
Nerf guns: The time has come for Senior Nerf Wars. This infamous tournament has provided some much-needed fun and competition for Bellarmine seniors. Even as a spectator, the one-month period of trusting no one is entertaining from any perspective, and it is the last bit of fun before the seniors part ways. But watch out, because anyone will rat you out…
So seniors, you can survive this last month! Find joy in the little things, and don’t give up just yet, because this time will be a distant memory sooner than you think.

Camila Aguayo is a senior this year who is eager to be working on the Journalism staff. At Bellarmine she is a part of Link Crew, Eucharistic Ministry,...