Starting in November 2024, students were surprised when an announcement was made during their lunch. The Bellarmine administration informed students that without a physical school ID present when purchasing from the cafe, they would be unable to buy anything. In addition, faculty/staff was placed at the entrance to enforce this rule.
This change was designed to ensure the safety of students’ money in their account and to speed up the lunch process. Bellarmine wanted to make sure students couldn’t use other people’s accounts to purchase things for themselves. Later in January, a new rule was announced stating if students didn’t have their ID present, they would be sent to the back of the line.
These new rules gained mixed reactions from the students. Junior Ellie Brammer expressed her conflicted thoughts on the matter stating, “I can see why they want to do it, but also what if you forget your card. I don’t think it’s fair that they have to wait.” Brammer’s perspective highlights some of the frustration of students who occasionally forget their school IDs.
Frequent user of the lunch line, sophomore John Gathigi shares a similar sentiment, “I get their practicality and it speeds things up, but at the end of the day, how long does it take to put names in?” While most students understand the importance of the rule change, some do not perceive how much of a difference it makes.
While some students voice concerns, the lunch staff have a more positive view on the matter. Tracy, a well-known and well-respected lunch worker, supports the change, she commented, “It will eventually speed up things in the line” emphasizing the policy’s expectation of creating a smoother lunch experience. When asked about kids being sent to the back of the line she added, “It teaches the kids responsibility and demonstrates that there are consequences to their actions.”
While the new ID policy at Bellarmine aims to exchange security and efficiency during lunch, it has sparked a range of reactions. Some students see it as practical, but having a low impact, while others encourage the change and believe it leads to a better, quicker process. As the policy continues to be enforced, it remains clear that striking a balance between efficiency and fairness will be the key to a wider range of acceptance.