Cross country says goodbye to their seniors
For the girls and boys cross country team making it to state is extremely significant. This year both teams qualified, heading to the state meet in Richland, Washington. Led by coach Matt Ellis, the girls team raced amazingly, placing sixth in state. The boys team persisted as well, guided by their head coach Keith Wren. Unfortunately, with the conclusion of the state race comes the conclusion of cross country for seniors Josephine Stevenson and Roman Thomas. Both of these team captains have raced their entire high school career, participating in track too.
Thomas, who ran 16:31 for the five kilometer race, stated, “I feel really accomplished. I had a rough start this year with another injury. I’m grateful I was able to hit my goal place wise.”
When asked about his favorite memory throughout his high school cross country career, Thomas replied, “In my freshman year, I ran over the summer with upperclassmen Aiden Patel, Liam Emerick, Matthew Hillyer, and Evan Baerg. That experience really solidified my decision to stay with cross country.” Looking forward, Thomas is ready for the regional showcase (his last race) in two weeks—this time to achieve his goal time.
Stevenson, who wants to run in college, is a role model for her teammate Lexi Conley. Conley said, “Josephine has been a good leader through how uplifting she is.”
Another fellow runner, Alison Whalen, continues this thought. “She always comes to practice with a positive attitude, ready to get to work no matter what happens outside of practice.”
When asked what her favorite memory is with Stevenson, Conley stated, “I’ve always loved our one on one runs. We would always talk about random stuff and overall just have a good time.”
Despite both Stevenson’s and Thomas’s departure from cross country, they are anticipating the spring track and field season where they will compete in the mile and two mile.

Talia Patel is a senior for this year’s journalism class. She enjoys listening to music, going on short runs, and hiking. In school, she is a member...