COVID Christmas

Could cases over Christmas be as bad as Halloween and Thanksgiving? As we get closer and closer to Christmas, the worry about the holiday case spike continues.
Almost a month ago, Dr. Anthony Fauci declared that people should be staying home as the winter seasons could have even more of an effect on COVID cases. Since Halloween, there has been a massive increase of cases due to people avoiding social distancing. With cold and flu season approaching, it is hard to decipher between who is sick with a deadly disease or who just has a temporary infection.
Hospitalizations and deaths continue to rise nationwide and many states across the country are bringing in new coronavirus-related restrictions. California and many other states have many new restrictions on social gatherings. Washington has new quarantine rules and testing.
Senior Sonika Nigam says, “I think COVID cases will rise over Christmas. Now that people are hearing about the vaccine, they all assume that when they go out, they’ll be fine.”

Kelli Allen is currently a senior and is thrilled to be a part of The Lion. Her favorite activities include Bellarmine theater, cheerleading and being...