Mass at Bellarmine: Who makes it happen?


Jeanne Hanigan

It takes a village to host a mass such as the All School one in December 2021.

It takes a village to host a mass such as the All School one in December 2021. (Jeanne Hanigan)

Mass and liturgies are an essential part of Bellarmine and our community. It connects us all in our faith as we worship together. Most people just show up, participate, then leave. But, have you ever wondered who puts it all together? Who makes it all happen?

Well, there are quite a few people who are responsible for creating the meaningful experience of praying together. There are the lectors, Eucharistic ministers, music ministry, teachers, and Jesuits. For those who don’t know, lectors are the readers of the prayers and excerpts from scripture. Eucharistic ministers are the people who help distribute the Holy Communion.

Now, what do they do to prepare? Well, the music ministry meets weekly to rehearse and find new songs but those who are singing or playing an instrument at that week’s mass, have to rehearse leading up to it with multiple practices as a group. Lectors meet and practice their readings and Eucharistic ministers set up and run through their role as well. Adults such as Rick Keller-Scholz, Martha Parent, and Aires Patulot are the people who lead all of the students in each ministry and the Jesuits are the religious leaders in mass.

Anyone can join any of the ministries and be a leader in the celebrations of Christ at Bellarmine community. Violinist Ava Pakzad said, “One of the many things I love about music ministry is being able to incorporate my love for music into Bellarmine’s liturgical experience. The process of choosing, learning, and performing pieces for student during mass is exciting and rewarding. I find myself more confident in my abilities now than a when I started, as I am sure others in the music ministry do as well. My favorite part about music ministry is sharing and celebrating our musical talents, as well as s the sweet and encouraging community that surrounds us.”