Seniors look back on their favorite high school memories

The class of ‘23 is almost finished with their four year high school career at Bellarmine Prep. This class has been through a lot in these past four years, whether this was living through a pandemic, studying for AP tests, competing in sports competitions, traveling around the world, or just spending time with one another. Take a look below at some of our beloved senior’s favorite memories from their time in high school.
Chris Carpenter B’23:
“It’s hard to pick one memory but freshman football practices have gotta be up there. Life was simple, school was fun and we did a lot of hitting drills.”
Hailey Berg B’23:
“One of my favorite memories from high school was coming into the campus center after the home football game freshman year and having a dance! It was the first school dance being at Bellarmine and I was so excited to experience it for the first time. I watched upperclassmen jump up and down and even do the worm in the middle of the dance circle. I left feeling so excited for more great memories with my new friends!!”
Chloe Mau B’23:
“I would have to say my favorite memory from the past four years at Bellarmine would be my Marine Chemistry trip during my junior year. Not only was it an amazing out-of-state trip with my friends and classmates, but it was an experience that I would likely not have had if I wasn’t a part of the MC program. We scuba dived at a shipwreck and at night, hiked gorgeous trails, and had such a memorable time in Manoa.”
Sasha Owen B’23:
“One of my favorite memories from Bellarmine was senior year 5th period anatomy class taught by Mr. Garcia. Even though this class was an elective, I was consistently challenged with each assignment, quiz, and test. Fortunately, I gained a much better understanding about human anatomy through the intensive and intriguing lab dissections alongside my medical assistant, Roma Sharkey.”
Ramsey Slack B’23:
“My favorite memory at Bellarmine was when Ethan Truebenbach announced his commitment to Syracuse University. This filled me with joy as I am also committed to this university, and going to the same institute as Ethan Truebenbach is honestly my dream.”
Matteo Smith B’23:
“Looking back on my Bellarmine experience I had a lot of great memories but one of my favorite memories was the Turkey bowl.”
Maya Loveland-Hyland B’23:
“One of my favorite memories was the Courts for Kids trip last summer to the Dominican Republic. Every night, we played mafia outside in a circle and tried to not get eaten alive by mosquitos. We also built a court that we named Joe Court after one of the trip chaperones, Mr. Joe Miller. It was great.”
Jayson Baldwin B’23:
“My favorite memory from my senior year is the team bus rides after dubbing during the footy szn.”
Josh Albers B’23:
“My favorite memory at Bellarmine was going to Applebees after a football game with the femmes. Griffin somehow got a girl to come with him to eat with us. They didn’t say a word to each other the entire night.”
Ethan Truebenbach B’23:
“My favorite memory is a debate I had with Levi last year in AP US. We were debating whether or not daylight savings was a benefit. It kind of turned into an argument on whether or not the other supports cancer.”
Brendan Hampton B’23:
“My favorite Bellarmine moment is enjoying the warm maui air under the stars with my fellow classmates while hydrating on the sandy paradise we called brew beach.”
Camila Aguayo B’23:
“My favorite memory is sitting on the same bench with my friends nearly every day. It’s become a tradition to take pictures on said bench, and we have grown very fond of it! Some people have tried to claim the bench as theirs, but we will always prevail. #coolgirlbench4L”
Anna Wetzel B’23:
“One of my favorite Bellarmine memories has been the Friday night football games this year as a senior! It is so fun to stand by the fence with some of your closest friends while cheering on the team and leading student section chants. It encapsulates the Bellarmine spirit and family so well and is definitely one of my favorite parts of being a lion.”
Owen Price B’23:
“One of my favorite memories at Bellarmine was the senior night football game vs Puyallup, who was highly ranked at the time. There were multiple delays because of lightning/heavy rain and by the end of it, there were probably only 15 or 20 seniors in the stands still watching. The boys ended up pulling off the upset and it was a fun memory since so many people had left the game early. I’m really glad I was there to see my friends finish their year off right.”
Stephanie Hillyer B’23:
“My favorite memories from high school are definitely the football games and getting to dress up for them. Especially senior year where the girls got to make their senior jumpsuits. I also loved eating lunch with my friends in Father G/Jerry’s office everyday too.”
Jasper Boespflug B’23:
“My favorite memories of my senior year were in my first semester ceramics class. I had many friends in the class and had Mr. Deem who is one of my favorite teachers. I loved what we learned in class and had fun using clay to make things such as bowls, cups, and plates, my favorite process being the pottery wheel. I enjoyed the creative process of the class and appreciated that it could be somewhere I could go to to relax, ceramics will definitely be a hobby I take with me after high school.”
Gabby Quiocho B’23:
“My favorite memory has to be all of the sports games because I love to see our school come together to support each other. Or probably all of the small interactions that lead to friendships I have built every year, because some I would have never thought would be so impactful to me.”
Josie Jaback B’23:
“My favorite senior memory was on February 10. Days before this Mr. Sweeney decided we should write on little scraps of paper an activity that we could do in five minutes and pull one each class period. Josh Albers pulled the slip that day and it said “hit the griddy.” That’s exactly what we did. The whole class hit the griddy. But the one that I will remember the most was Mr. Sweeney’s. He hit it with such passion and made this my favorite senior memory. (Tell me if this needs to be more or less dramatic.)”
Sophie Nicholson B’23:
“One of the big things that stood out was Encounter —I didn’t know what to expect going into it or if it would live up to what everyone said, but it definitely did, and I’m so glad I had the opportunity to do it again as part of team. I’d also say team bus rides. I loved the games themselves, but there was also something kind of special about being together with your team, chatting or singing along to whatever song someone was playing over the speaker. I don’t think I can choose a favorite though—there are too many options.”
Mac Fortino B’23:
“My favorite memory was the football game on the weekend of Halloween. Although we lost, I had a lot of fun with my friends that night and there were a lot of funny costumes. Even my dad joined in on the fun!”

Roma Sharkey is a senior member of the Journalism Staff. At Bellarmine, she is involved with the girls soccer program, Link Crew, and Campus Ministry....